St Corbinian in Freising

Get to know St Corbinian, the patron saint of the city of Freising! You will find out what this charismatic cleric achieved in the early Middle Ages and why the brown bear became Freising's heraldic animal. We are offering this group tour exclusively as part of our anniversary year "1300 years of Corbinian in Freising". Find out more about the big celebration here on the website.

Please note that the tour route leads partly through the historic city centre, which is only barrier-free in places. Detailed advice on this group offer and accessibility is available from the tourist information centre.

Group tour "St Corbinian in Freising"

General information

Duration: 60 minutes
Dates: by appointment only
Group rate: 95 euros for a maximum of 25 people
Surcharges: for foreign languages ​​and evening appointments after 6 p.m. 25 euros per group
Please note: only German guides


Click here for the online form for booking a group tour. 
If you have any questions, we will be happy to advise you by telephone (during our opening hours) or by e-mail.
Phone: +49 8161/54-44111