Accessibility policy

Freising’s tourist information website is there for everyone to use. We want people with special needs to be able to access information and navigate our website at as easily as possible.

As a public sector body within the meaning of the EU Web Accessibility Directive (EU) 2016/2102, the City of Freising strives to ensure its website and mobile app comply with the provisions set forth in the German Federal Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology in accordance with the Disability Equality Act (BITV) and the Bavarian Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology (BayBITV).

This Accessibility Policy applies to the desktop and mobile versions of the City of Freising’s tourist information website.

Status of compliance with requirements

This website and mobile app provide only partial accessibility. At present the requirements set forth in the BITV and BayBITV are only partially fulfilled.

Non-accessible areas

Some areas are currently undergoing accessibility revision. The City of Freising is striving to achieve full accessibility in these areas as soon as possible.

  • Simple language: We are currently working on providing the website in simple language. Implementation planned for 2021.
  • Sign language: In the planning stage. Implementation 2021.
  • Accessible documents: We are working on the technical implementation of accessible PDF documents. Conversion of all PDF files is dependent on special software for creating accessible content. As soon as this software is available and our staff training programme is completed, we can begin to create accessible PDF files. Implementation from 2025.

In light of this, please contact us if you have problems with accessibility. Send us an email with the subject “Tourism website accessibility” to We will do our best to find a solution for you.

Accessibility services and functions

To improve the accessibility of our communication, we currently offer the following functions:

ReadSpeaker text-to-speech function
If you do not have a text-to-speech program, you can use the ReadSpeaker text-to-speech function integrated into the website. ReadSpeaker converts website texts, including PDF files, into speech Click the Read button to open the control panel. The text is read aloud automatically.
In the mobile version of our website, ReadSpeaker is opened via the button with the loudspeaker icon. Click the button to open an overlapping window with the control panel.
You will find detailed information about using ReadSpeaker’s extensive functions on our website or in the footer at the bottom of our mobile app under "Listen". Or click here to skip directly to the page.

One-click contrast
Function to boost website contrast and improve text readability. To do this, click on "Increase contrast" at the top of any page or on the corresponding icon on the mobile app.

Font size
Press and hold the Ctrl button and press the + or – button to change the font size. Press Crtl and 0 (zero) to return the text to the standard size. The Ctrl button (Ctrl = Control) buttons can be found at the bottom left and bottom right of the keyboard. If you have a Mac computer, press the “apple” key instead of Ctrl.

Contact for comments or questions concerning digital accessibility

Accessibility is a key priority for the City of Freising, both in our daily routine and in our communications with the people in our city. Please contact us if you find any faults in our website or need assistance. We naturally comply with all data protection and privacy provisions.

The contact for this website is
Sabina Kirchmaier
Online editorial team, City of Freising
Marienplatz 7
85354 Freising
Telephone +49 (0)8161/54-1108

Preparation of this Accessibility Policy

This policy was drawn up / revised on 04 November 2020. Another updates took place on December 17, 2020 and November 16, 2021. The digital accessibility review was performed by the City of Freising / the above-named contact.

Enforcement and monitoring body

If your request to the contact is wholly or partly unanswered for six weeks, you can launch enforcement proceedings. This gives you the chance to submit an online application for examination of compliance with accessibility requirements. Your application will be examined by the monitoring body, which will decide on the basis of its monitoring whether measures must be taken concerning the City of Freising. The link to the online application is on this website:

You can also contact the following organisation:

Landesamt für Digitalisierung, Breitband und Vermessung (Bavarian Office for Digitalisation, Broadband and Surveying)
T-Dienstleistungszentrum des Freistaats Bayern (Bavarian T-Service Centre)
Durchsetzungs- und Überwachungsstelle für barrierefreie Informationstechnik (Enforcement and monitoring body for IT accessibility)
St.-Martin-Strasse 47
81541 Munich