Events & ticket service
Day-by-day events in Freising are listed here on the website, and specifically in the Events Calendar, as well as in the quarterly Events brochure, which can be picked up at the Tourist Information Office or posted on request.
You can also pick up the tickets you want there, as the Freising ticket office is also located in the Asam building, Marienplatz 7. It is even easier to order the desired tickets online from home on our ticket portal ‘Reservix’. Please klick here for more informations (currently available in German only).
Please note the data privacy terms for ticket sales by the City of Freising. They can be found on the Data Privacy - Ticket Service page.

Official advance booking office of the ticket portal Reservix
The ticket office of the city of Freising is also an official advance booking office of the provider Reservix. You can therefore obtain tickets for events throughout Germany from us. For great sport, unforgettable concerts, high-calibre cultural events and much more!
We will find you the best seats for your event and print out the tickets for you directly at the counter. You can find information about the Reservix offer at

Official München-Ticket box office
We are an advance box office for München-Ticket events. Click here to go to the München-Ticket website.